Client Success Story: Brant Basics Adapts to Pandemic Challenges with the Help of ASAP Community Futures Peterborough


Brant Basics


Jeffrey Cox

Supported by

ASAP Community Futures Peterborough

Brant Basics

Brant Basics is a one-stop shop for office supplies and design, making it easy for businesses to stock up on essentials and maintain an efficient workspace. Located in downtown Peterborough, Brant Office Supply has seen many changes over the years. However, the COVID-19 pandemic presented new challenges for both their clients and staff, requiring the company to adapt and implement new policies for safe operations.

The Problem:

As the COVID-19 pandemic began to impact Brant Basics’ clients and staff, the company recognized the need to update its policies to navigate the situation safely. However, with revenue down and limited staffing, they needed external support to address these changes effectively.

The Solution:

Community Futures Peterborough offered Brant Basics the Advanced Services and Advisory Project (ASAP) as part of the Regional Relief & Recovery Fund (RRRF). The ASAP program provided the company with professional advice and guidance to help them update their policies and procedures during a challenging time.

Implementation & Results:

With funding from the ASAP program, Brant Basics enlisted the help of local company Savino HR to guide them through the process of updating their employee manual. The manual now covers aspects related to pandemics, COVID-19, infectious disease leaves, and more. As President Jeffrey Cox said, “Because we were able to receive the funding through this program, that allowed us to update our employee manual on all aspects as related to pandemics, COVID, infectious disease leaves, etc.

As a result of the RRRF, Brant Basics is now in a strong position to remain viable for the foreseeable future.


“This came at a crucial time when we were understaffed and would not have been able to take on this task ourselves. Having our manual professionally updated allowed us to ensure we have the appropriate policies in place to ensure the proper safety and supports for our employees.” – Jeffrey Cox, President, Brant Basics


Brant Basics’ success story highlights the valuable support provided by Community Futures Peterborough and the ASAP program. By offering expert guidance and resources, the program helped Brant Basics adapt to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and ensure the safety and well-being of its employees.

Is your business facing challenges and in need of expert guidance? Learn more about how Community Futures can help you adapt and thrive.

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