Aclarus Inc. Achieves Sustained Growth and Corporate Performance with the Help of Rural Innovation Initiative of Eastern Ontario (RIIEO)
Mr. Doran
Supported by
Community Futures Peterborough through the Rural Innovation Initiative of Eastern Ontario (RIIEO) program

Aclarus Inc. specializes in innovative technologies for the treatment of drinking water and wastewater across multiple sectors. Their goal is to eliminate the use of chlorine and sulphur dioxide in the treatment process, preventing over 5,000 kg of chemicals from being discharged into Lake Ontario while providing clean, oxygen-rich water.

The Problem:
Aclarus Inc. needed the capital to continue improving its technology and meet the demands of larger municipal drinking water and wastewater projects.
The Solution:
Through the Rural Innovation Initiative of Eastern Ontario (RIIEO) program, Aclarus Inc. received non-repayable, performance-based funding to make critical technological improvements that opened new markets.
Implementation & Results:
With support from the RIIEO program, Aclarus Inc. developed an in-house water-cooled ozone technology that was compatible with their current technology. This allowed them to completely redesign and re-engineer their technology to meet the demands of larger municipal drinking water and wastewater projects. The funding received from RIIEO was critical to their sustained growth and corporate performance during an economic downturn, preparing them to weather the pandemic.
The commercialization of their new technology has provided greater efficiency and productivity, resulting in a 42% increase in revenue over the previous year.
“The RIIEO program was really important for Aclarus and a contributing factor to our sustained growth and corporate performance during an economic downturn. Aclarus is grateful for the support. The funding assisted Aclarus in making critical technological improvements that have opened new markets. The timing was even more important because it contributed at a time that helped prepare us to weather the pandemic.” – Mr. Doran, Owner, Aclarus Inc.
The success story of Aclarus Inc. showcases the impact of the Rural Innovation Initiative of Eastern Ontario (RIIEO) program and the support provided by Community Futures Peterborough. With expert guidance and resources, the RIIEO program helped Aclarus Inc. achieve sustained growth and corporate performance during an economic downturn and prepare for the challenges of the pandemic.
Are you looking to improve your technology and open new markets? Learn more about how Community Futures can help your business achieve sustained growth and success.
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